Are you holding onto anger against something or someone, sometimes including yourself? Most emotional pain is caused by holding onto a deep grudge. That emotional pain breeds physical illness and pain. The longer that emotional pain is allowed to linger inside you, the more extreme the illnesses and physical pain tends to be.
In an effort to stop this emotional and physical suffering, most people turn to what I’ll call “indirect” treatments. Some can be helpful, such as a healthy diet and exercise. Some can cause further pain, such as certain pills and alcohol.
There is however, an action you can take that is possibly the most effective way to stop the suffering and promote healing. This action is successful because it targets the very source of the pain and dissolves it.
This action may not be always easy. However, I assure you that once you’ve taken this particular action you can feel like a miracle suddenly descended on you in terms of how powerfully it releases your suffering when you do it.
I share the attached article courtesy of Ty Bollinger. Here’s what he asks below.
“Please share this important article with everyone you care about, and have a great day. 🙂
Ty Bollinger”
I find this very interesting, as I do often think about the possible connection between deeply held negative emotions and our health.
I do think there is a connection, I believe negative emotions impact upon our health in a negative way. Knowing this however doesn’t really help us. We have to really let go of these emotions and that isn’t always easy. Sometimes you think you have let go until something happens that makes you realise that you haven’t. I think the quote of Socrates ‘know thyself’ is a really good starting point. If we understood why we struggle to let go of emotions, then the job would be a lot easier. Thanks for sharing this.
Hello Ray:
Thanks very much for your comment. I appreciate you taking the time to do so.
Hi Vena, thanks for your inspiration! I completely agree with you that holding a grudge is toxic and harms the person that is unable to forgive and let go… My memory makes things easier for me – I let go and easily forget those who hurt me. Life is to short to spend time thinking on them and generating negative energy.
Hello Marta: I am glad you read my blog and found value in the content. Thanks for visiting my site and for taking the time to comment. Please visit again and let us know how we’re doing. Cheers.
Forgiveness seems to be a word I’m hearing a lot of lately and I’ve been starting to wonder if deep down I’ve been holding grudges or something, so I decided to do some research on the subject to get to the bottom of why this word seems to keep coming up in my life.
Your post makes a lot of sense and I enjoyed reading it. I’m still not sure if there is something I’m holding onto that needs to be let go, but I’ll continue to work on it.
Hello Darren:
I am very happy that you visited my site and enjoyed reading the post, Forgive and Stop Your Suffering. I believe forgiveness will happen in your own time when you’re ready to let it all go; the hurt, the pain, the grudges etc. Healing takes time and everyone deals with circumstances differently, take the time you need to heal. Once you’re ready to move forward, you’ll know; your focus changes and you no longer want to look back.
I trust you will visit again and keep in touch. Will love to hear of your progress.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that holding onto unpleasant or painful memories impacts us emotionally and physically. I’ve always believed in the mind/body connection and have seen so many examples within my own family of illnesses brought on my unresolved issues.
My sister is suffering from chronic pain after divorcing her husband who turned out to be an alcoholic (drinking in private) and lying to her for years after he told her he’d stopped drinking.
I can’t help but think that there’s a connection. What are your thoughts on this?
Hello Lynn:
I am thrilled that you’ve visited my site and commented, thanks for your comment.
Holding onto unpleasant memories bring on stress and that stress over time will eat you alive. Constant emotional turmoil will definitely impact your health negatively and your lifestyle will be compromised.
There’s nothing more important than taking care of you first, that’s your No. 1 priority. You can’t control other peoples’ actions and should not feel guilty for the consequences resulting from those actions.
Time is a great healer, meanwhile focus on what you can control.
I trust I have answered your concerns and look forward to hearing from you again.