Safe Effective Exercise for Strength and Conditioning

Last weekend I attended Canfitpro World Fitness Expo at the Metro Convention Centre.  Undoubtedly, this is one of my favourite activities to attend it’s all about physical fitness which I truly love.  Consequently, I wish to share some of the information I gathered that keeps me motivated and I trust you too will benefit. The…

How to Control Diabetes Life

Diabetes is the main cause of kidney failure, limb amputation, and new onset blindness in American adults. It is said that 23.6 million people in the United States have diabetes and nearly one-third of them are undiagnosed. How devastating can this be?   Learn how to control diabetes life by learning about the disorder that’s having…

Bipolar Affective Disorder

Do you experience severe mood changes? Are you afraid to reach out for help? Some days, do you feel very happy and energized and on other days you feel sad and depressed? Do you have difficulty sleeping, staying focused or going to work?  How long do these mood changes last; a week, longer than a…

Why Cant I Sleep?

Do You Have Sleep Apnea?   What is Sleep Apnea?   Sleep Apnea is a serious sleep disorder that can be potentially dangerous as your breathing repeatedly stops and starts while you’re asleep. If you snore loudly while sleeping and wake up feeling tired after you’ve slept for a full night, you probably have sleep apnea.…

How to Avoid and Reverse Heart Disease

5 Proven Ways to Avoid and Reverse Heart Disease! Sadly, many people in our society suffer from heart disease. This is largely due to poor diet – too much refined sugar, acidity, and an improper ratio of omega fatty acids. Through this vital workshop at York Family Chiropractic, we will offer you an alternative to…