How I Maintain Peace and Calm

Difficulties give me an opportunity to exercise focus and determination to take care of the issue(s) at hand. In so doing, I learned that a calm soul makes life conquerable in trying times.  I concentrate on maintaining a calm soul and this approach helps me to conquer the challenges that I face. I spend time nurturing…

How to Heal Yourself after Experiencing a Trauma

Healing yourself after experiencing a trauma allows you to move on with your life in a much stronger position as you would have learned from your experiences.   Although traumas might involve physical injuries and damage, they can also be emotional.  If you do not address this issue the results of these emotional experiences can…

Bipolar Affective Disorder

Do you experience severe mood changes? Are you afraid to reach out for help? Some days, do you feel very happy and energized and on other days you feel sad and depressed? Do you have difficulty sleeping, staying focused or going to work?  How long do these mood changes last; a week, longer than a…

Why Cant I Sleep?

Do You Have Sleep Apnea?   What is Sleep Apnea?   Sleep Apnea is a serious sleep disorder that can be potentially dangerous as your breathing repeatedly stops and starts while you’re asleep. If you snore loudly while sleeping and wake up feeling tired after you’ve slept for a full night, you probably have sleep apnea.…

How to get a Good Night’s Sleep

Many factors can interfere with getting a good night’s sleep; for instance, family responsibilities, pressures at work, relationships, illnesses, unexpected challenges like getting laid off from work or getting fired.  Anyone of these circumstances can cause a diminished quality sleep. Research shows that even minor problems with inadequate sleep can present health issues.  Fifty to…

Ontario Disability Support Program & Mental Illness

Persons suffering from Mental Illness will be stress relieved as Ontario simplifies medical reviews for people on disability support  Read more. It is always refreshing when our elected officials understand the issue at hand and take a more simple action to lessen the stress level on persons suffering from mental illness. What is the Definition of…

Five Helpful Tips to Avoid Caregiver Burnout

Caregivers are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, depressed immune function and even hospitalization. Care giving places a burden on your health. If you are a caregiver, you know that this act of love has its costs. You stand to forfeit up to $650,000 in lost wages, pension and social security. Add to that is…